The Mercedes-AMG GLE63 S has a 0-to-60 time of 4.2 second
The Fastest SUVs Will Get Your Family There in a Hurry
Driving fast in an SUV was something that seemed ridiculous 20 years ago. Here we are, in the 21st century, and we’ve cracked the code of moving in a hurry with something large and tall. This list of some of the fastest SUVs proves that these are truly wondrous times we live in.
If you have the need for speed, but want to haul your IKEA purchases with ease, you might want to check out the following models. The list isn’t necessarily in any particular order, because acceleration times will vary on who measures them. You’ll also notice several are super close to each other, and one member of the list hasn’t even been released.
Mercedes-AMG GLE63 S
If you want to transport up to seven people in extreme luxury, and get to where you’re going in a hurry, this might be your best option. This SUV with third row seating has a decent amount of cargo behind the last row, making this ride a pretty versatile vehicle.
Mercedes-AMG uses a twin-turbo 5.5-liter V8 engine, which squeezes out 585 horsepower. You can scoot in a hurry, with a 0-to-60 time of 4.2 seconds. On a track, you can hit 160 mph, which has gotta be scary in such a large vehicle.
The Bavarians know how to make fast cars. Even though BMW insists the X5 is an “SAV” (Sport Activity Vehicle) not an a true SUV, we’re counting it for this list.
Thanks to the mighty twin-turbo 4.4-liter V8, you have at your command 567 horsepower. When pressed, the BMW X5M charges from 0 to 60 mph in 4.0 seconds, making it one of the quickest SUVs you can buy right now. BMW electronically limits the top speed to 160 mph.